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Fruity Roselle Olive

Fruity Roselle Olive


Harvested when cheerfully red, Roselle (also known as Hibiscus) makes a delicious vibrant drink, hot or iced. Indian Olive adds a special touch with fresh citrusy notes, while preserving this perishable indigenous fruit. 

  • In the early 2018, I met Ene Bina for the first time at Ema market (a market in Manipur run by women). She carried a heavy sack of citrusy Indian Olives on her back. Our connection was immediate, and Ene's story inspired us to create this naturally delightful blend.


    Traditionally enjoyed raw or made into ambon (warm fruit sauce) and pickle, this indigenous fruit has a charm of its own.


    Indian Olive brings fresh citrusy notes to our Fruity Roselle blend, adding a special touch while preserving this perishable indigenous fruit. (Origin story shared by Dweller Chaoba, founder and creator of this blend)

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